Travel Technology

Travel agents rely on travel technology solutions to streamline operations, enhance customer service, and stay competitive in the dynamic travel industry. Automated booking and reservation systems enable quick access to real-time information on flights, accommodations, and services. Mobile applications empower agents to manage bookings on the go and provide instant support to travelers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems help agents personalize services based on client preferences and history. Access to a global inventory through technology allows agents to offer diverse travel options.
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travel technology
Market research tools aid in staying updated on trends and adapting to changing customer demands. Efficient payment processing, financial management, and secure communication tools contribute to smoother operations.

Travel technology solutions

also support marketing efforts, helping agents reach a broader audience and promote special deals. Additionally, it ensures compliance with industry regulations and enhances security in handling sensitive information. Overall, travel technology and ticketing systems are indispensable for travel agents seeking efficiency, customer satisfaction, and a competitive edge in the evolving travel landscape.
travel technology solutions
Features of Travel Technology Software Platform
Flight Ticket Booking

Travel technology platform

is linked to the flight GDS through web services to fetch the online flight inventory and publish it on the front-end of the application in defined UI/UX format. On selecting a specific flight search result, it will be redirected to the payment gateway for booking confirmation and PNR generation.
Hotel Booking

Travel technology system

will search for hotel deals through GDS and APIs web services and will find out the lowest tariffs available per room per night. On selection of a particular hotel, it will be redirected to payment gateway for booking and voucher generation.
Car Booking
Travel tech system
will search from the CRS (own inventory) and the API and will find out the best possible option available in a particular city as per the search by the user. On selecting one result, it will be redirected to the payment gateway.
Holiday Packages
CMS driven domestic and international holiday packages will be designed as per the client requirement and will be connected through payment gateway or online form enquiry in proposed travel portal development solution.
Bus Booking
Travel tech software
will search the CRS (own inventory) and API of Bus and will find out the best possible option available in a particular city as per the search by the user. On selecting one result it will be redirected to the payment gateway.
Forex (Foreign Money Exchange)
As a leading travel technology company, we set the module in admin to put the updated rates of currencies on what price they purchase and sale that particular currency. It can be processed through payment gateway if somebody wants to make the payment through credit card.
Payment Gateway Integration
Online payment gateway will be integrated to make the online payments by the customer. Online payment can be through credit cards or multiple payment gateway system to make it a globally accepted travel GDS portal.
SMS Gateway Incorporation
SMS API will be incorporated to send the sms to the client at the time of confirmation of booking or PNR creation.
B2B Agency Accounts
For a comprehensive travel tech system, a multilayer admin console is defined. Login facility will be given to the agents to add funds in their accounts with a certain cutoff limit. By logging in on the portal agents can book the Air tickets and Hotel deals from their deposit accounts up to the cutoff limit and as they will reach their cutoff limit, they will not be able to book tickets and rooms from their deposit account. Then they will have the option to book from a credit card. Agents will get the different options i.e.
  • To create sub users
  • Check different type of reports of bookings
  • Check the booking status
  • Can cancel the booking (if available with API)
  • Can check the vouchers and Invoices
  • Commission Generated
travel tech

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Frequently Asked Questions
Travel technology refers to a broad spectrum of digital tools, software, and solutions designed to facilitate and optimize various aspects of the travel industry. It encompasses a range of software applications that assist travel agents, tour operators, and other stakeholders in providing efficient and seamless travel services.
Key components of travel technology include booking and reservation systems that enable real-time access to flights, accommodations, and other services. Mobile applications empower travelers and agents alike with on-the-go management capabilities. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems help organize client information for personalized services, while market research tools assist in staying informed about industry trends. Payment processing and financial management tools ensure secure transactions, and communication platforms facilitate collaboration among stakeholders.
Travel technology solutions offer numerous benefits across the travel industry, enhancing efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business operations. Firstly, these solutions streamline the booking process, providing real-time access to a vast array of travel services, which helps travel agents and businesses secure the best options for their clients. Automation of administrative tasks, such as itinerary creation and invoicing, reduces manual effort and minimizes the risk of errors.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems within travel technology enable personalized services by organizing client information and preferences. Mobile applications empower both agents and travelers, allowing them to manage bookings, receive real-time updates, and access support on the go. Travel technology also facilitates marketing efforts through online platforms and digital tools, expanding reach and attracting a broader audience.
To identify top travel technology companies in the United States, you can employ several strategies:
Online Directories: Utilize online directories such as Clutch, G2, and Capterra, which compile reviews and rankings of technology companies based on user feedback and ratings.
Industry Reports: Explore industry reports and market research publications that highlight leading travel technology companies. Reports from sources like Statista, Forrester, and Gartner can provide valuable insights.
Networking Events: Attend travel and technology conferences, trade shows, and networking events where industry leaders and innovators showcase their products. This provides an opportunity to interact directly with representatives from top companies.
Industry Associations: Check with industry associations like the Travel Technology Association (Travel Tech) for lists of member companies. These associations often feature established players in the travel technology sector.
Online Searches: Conduct targeted online searches using search engines and social media platforms. Look for companies with a strong online presence, positive customer reviews, and a history of innovation in the travel technology space.
Consult Peers: Seek recommendations from colleagues, partners, or professionals within the travel industry. Personal referrals can be valuable in identifying trustworthy and reputable companies.
Combining these methods will help you compile a list of top travel technology companies, allowing you to further assess their offerings and choose the one that aligns best with your specific needs.
How to succeed in online travel business (OTA)?
Robust booking engine platform
One must have the best travel technology partner to setup robust OTA. Find out a company with great infrastructure, a unique product team in core, implementation team for customer interface and must have quicker to go market approach. This will let you focus on other non technology but IMP tasks.
Don't sell deals, sell expertise!!!
Many agents advertise deals on their booking platforms and send promote it. It's tough to beat deals on the Internet, and will be even tougher proceeding further. Upgrade your booking engine and define a clear strategy to sell expert advice and personalized service.
Plan your segment well
In general, global market has two traveler types. 1 - Those with more money than time and 2 - those with more time than money. Target both segments but travelers with more money than time value purchasing a agency's expertise and ability to handle and manage all aspect of the trip.
Engage and sell through social media
We highly recommend social presence for your travel business. Get your customers be fans and to post reviews of your services. Engage them with insights and tips. A facebook page is best used, when it's less about selling and more about engaging.
OTA is the future of travel agency !
Set up your booking portal TODAY!!!
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